There are no press release, at this time. Prior press release only are posted for a term of sixty days. To request prior press release copy, please email; the
To all local pastors, ministry directors and members. Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.". Please understand the we must follow (unconflicted laws) or orders issued. Our services are adjusted for your enjoyment and spiritual growth. All members see your local Pastor for our official services, programs & other decrees (orders). By Decree of Bishop Larry L. Henderson, Sr. (Volunteer National Prelate).
National Holy Convocation for 2024-25 will be in person. This services will be held on December 20, 2024 and members may request a link and activity brochure by emailing the Program Division at: YES! In-person ordination services will be held in 2024. These activities will also be (both) in-person and virtual events.
All members, local churches and others participating in the ordination services will be required to be in prayer with us (for one week) prior to the December 20, 2024 ordination services. This will also be (both) a in-person and all virtual event. Registration in advance, is required. The general cost $175 per group (of five), which include three nights of dinner and other activities. general member tickets are $10 (in advance) or $50 (after December 1, 2024). Click here for "Nomination of Candidates" of additional candidates, officers for local church and/or to request ordination, local clergy license. All nomination must be in and completed prior to October 30, 2024.